If you’re a homeowner who loves trees and shrubs in your yard, then you’re probably familiar with the damage that deer can do to them. One common question that homeowners have is whether hemlock and cedar tree needles will come back after deer have stripped them.

The short answer is that it depends on how is stripped and how severely the tree is damaged. Hemlock and cedar trees are both conifers, which means that they have needle-like leaves instead of broad leaves. These needles contain the tree’s food reserves, and they’re also responsible for photosynthesis, which is how the tree makes its food.

When deer strip the needles off a hemlock or cedar tree, they’re removing the tree’s ability to photosynthesize and make food. If too many needles are stripped, the tree may not be able to recover and could die.

However, if the deer only strip a small amount of needles, then the tree should be able to recover without any problems. In fact, hemlock and cedar trees are known for their ability to regenerate new growth from their branches, so even if a large portion of the needles are stripped, the tree may still be able to grow new needles and recover.

It’s important to note that deer damage is not the only thing that can damage hemlock and cedar trees. These trees are also vulnerable to diseases and pests, so it’s important to keep an eye on them and take action if you notice any signs of damage.

In conclusion, whether hemlock and cedar tree needles will come back after deer have stripped them depends on the severity of the damage. If only a small amount of needles are stripped, the tree should be able to recover. However, if too many needles are stripped, the tree may not be able to recover and could die. If you’re concerned about deer damage to your trees, it’s important to take preventative measures and keep an eye on them for signs of damage.



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